Mesopotamia Task Project

My class and I did a simulation on ancient Mesopotamia for 8 weeks. And during that 8 weeks we moved our clans around a map of Mesopotamia, collating resources and civilization points, (who ever has the most civilization points at the end wins) and to get more civilization points we created 4 (or 5) projects, for each level of civilization,(Tribe, Village, City–state, and empire level.) everyone in a clan had to complete these tasks in a certain amount of time, for our “clan” to move to the next level of civilization, mine clan was the Hittites. The tasks we created were so-post to get better each time.


My tribe task was a blog post

I choose to make a blog post because I wanted to experament with my new blog! I learned that the Mesopotamian’s had many jobs, ranging from scribes to slaves.

My village task was a slide presentation

I choose to make a slide presentation because I thought it would be a great way to show my research

My 1st city–state task was index cards


I choose to make these index cards, because they show all the major gods and goddesses of Mesopotamia. The people of Mesopotamia worshiped these gods, and they believed that if they kept their gods happy, the gods would watch over them in every aspect of their lives. They did everything for their gods, the built shrines, told stories about them, and left them food and gifts, only to make them happy. The people of Mesopotamia’s main goal was to keep their gods happy, because if they didn’t, the believed that the gods would get made at them, and let storms destroy their city.


My 2nd city–state task was a letter between kings

I choose to write letters between two kings, to show how the kings would claim that they were descended from the gods

My empire task was a modal and a google doc

Modal of scribe writing a letter for the king


All About Me!

Hello! My name is Holly, and I live with my brother Bodhi, my mom Sarah, and my dad Gene. I have a twelve week old golden retriever puppy named Sky, and a tortoiseshell cat named Roxie. I love horseback riding, drawing, aerial silks (what they do in Cirque du Soleil), and most of all READING!!!!!!! My favorite board game is life, my favorite card game is war, and my favorite video game is Minecraft. I used to live in Bend OR, then I moved to Arroyo Grande CA. I love skiing, (since I lived in OREGON) and surfing! My fav books (there are a lot, this is a few) are Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and WARRIORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fav characters from those books are Anabeth Chase, Hermione Granger, and Sandstorm. I LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE cats! My room is covered in my art, my friend’s art, and random pics of animals. I love to draw animals, and it’s pretty much all I draw and I draw a lot of them! Mainly horses and cats, and sometimes dogs, but if ya see me drawing a dog, its ether a zen tangle, golden retriever, or a fox wolf. But don’t get the wrong idea, I LLLLLOOOOOVVVEEEEE dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ancient Mesopotamian Jobs

There was many jobs in ancient Mesopotamian times including;

  • scribes
  • merchants
  • craftsman
  • soldiers
  • servants
  • artisan
  • farmers
  • tent makers
  • metal workers
  • priests/priestesses
  • royals
  • nobility
  • free comers
  • clients of nobility
  • slaves
  • carters
  • stone cutters
  • brick makers/layers
  • carpenters
  • fisherman
  • soldiers
  • and tradesmen

But the most common jobs were traders, which were everyone’s dream, weavers, who were in high demand and lived luxurious lives, potters, represented the gods in their art and were needed for ceremonies and rituals, and herdsmen, they were also in high demand. But a lot were farmers.